short and sweet
a, b, c = 1, 2, 3
a = b = c = 5
#2. Easy OOP
From free codes, modules, classes
Everything is an object
Standard methods are great, you can even add on methods too:
class String
def my_method
puts "Awesome!"
Then you can have "text".my_method
#3. Readable
The language is compact and readable
(1..5).each do |n|
puts n
# hash is a comment
You can use { } or do end as blocks too
#4. Ruby have Symbols
Starts with colon :tryme
Makes things much readable, it is not a string, but acts like a string.
Weird. But simple and elegant.
Imagine that it is a variable with string value of its own name.
#5. Hashes are Easy
These are just cool pair values (I created my own pairs class back in VB6)
Define it this way:
p = {} #initialize as array first
p['lousy'] = 1
p['moderate'] = 2
p['good'] = 3
p['great'] = 4
or this way, all in one line
p = {'lousy' => 1, 'moderate' => 2, 'good' => 3, 'great' => 4}
even tastier when you use :symbols with hashes
p = { :lousy => 1, :moderate => 2, :good => 3, :great => 4 }
#6. Flexible Variables
No more type mismatch!
In VB,
Dim f as Integer
f = "Try Me" 'Type mismatch error happens
You can assign different data types to any variables any time.
f = 1.5
f = "Try Me" #no sweat
#7. Ruby have great web frameworks
#8. Working with Strings, creating harmony to your code
#{var} is an easy way for value replacements within strings
We can also have methods like #{var.method} assuming it returns a string
Multi line strings are easy to work with
letter = <<WHATEVER
Dear #{name},
This is the content of the email...
#9. It's Open Source
Need to say more?
#10. Not in the list
Oh! And by the way, you can test some codes out with irb (Mac / Linux) or fxri (in Windows)
Learn Ruby in 20 minutes -> this is where I started.
And to avoid confusion, try to learn up and familiarize with Ruby codes before looking at Rails. I got confused and I thought this tip may help you. :)
a = b = c = 5
#2. Easy OOP
From free codes, modules, classes
Everything is an object
Standard methods are great, you can even add on methods too:
class String
def my_method
puts "Awesome!"
Then you can have "text".my_method
#3. Readable
The language is compact and readable
(1..5).each do |n|
puts n
# hash is a comment
You can use { } or do end as blocks too
One line does it all:
a ||= 10
Instead of:
if !defined? a then
a = 10
You got any more neat tricks to share?
#4. Ruby have Symbols
Starts with colon :tryme
Makes things much readable, it is not a string, but acts like a string.
Weird. But simple and elegant.
Imagine that it is a variable with string value of its own name.
#5. Hashes are Easy
These are just cool pair values (I created my own pairs class back in VB6)
Define it this way:
p = {} #initialize as array first
p['lousy'] = 1
p['moderate'] = 2
p['good'] = 3
p['great'] = 4
or this way, all in one line
p = {'lousy' => 1, 'moderate' => 2, 'good' => 3, 'great' => 4}
even tastier when you use :symbols with hashes
p = { :lousy => 1, :moderate => 2, :good => 3, :great => 4 }
#6. Flexible Variables
No more type mismatch!
In VB,
Dim f as Integer
f = "Try Me" 'Type mismatch error happens
You can assign different data types to any variables any time.
f = 1.5
f = "Try Me" #no sweat
#7. Ruby have great web frameworks
Rails, Merb, Sinatra, Ramaze and more
#8. Working with Strings, creating harmony to your code
#{var} is an easy way for value replacements within strings
We can also have methods like #{var.method} assuming it returns a string
Multi line strings are easy to work with
letter = <
Dear #{name},
This is the content of the email...
#9. It's Open Source
Need to say more?
#10. Not in the list
Oh! And by the way, you can test some codes out with irb (Mac / Linux) or fxri (in Windows)
Learn Ruby in 20 minutes -> this is where I started.
And to avoid confusion, try to learn up and familiarize with Ruby codes before looking at Rails. I got confused and I thought this tip may help you. :)
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